Thursday, March 19, 2009

This is mad!!

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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hey, Mel much did you pay for that hair?

Seriously. His hair is ridiculous. And there is no way its real. He must have paid a nice doctor a pretty penny for it.

There is also no way that Don Banks' Mock NFL Draft on Sports Illustrated is real either. Just kind of silly. There is no way Crabtree goes #7 and Stafford goes #10 after Sanchez. Granted, I was not at the Combine to watch it firsthand, but from what I read, his throwing was erratic and overall, not impressive. Plus, he had Sanchez going at #8 to Jacksonville, which I wouldn't do. I would give Garrard another chance, he's really not that bad.

It also should be very interesting to see what happens to Jay Cutler. Apparently, he and McDaniels just can't get along, which should make for fun trade prospects and draft decisions, I think. McDaniels really shot himself in the foot with that one. I also don't agree with those who think that Cutler should "stop whining." From how it sounds, McDaniels completely stabbed him in the back. And how could you not be upset when that happens? Cutler is the future of that team. If you saw a Broncos game, you would realize that its actually the defense that loses the games. Although Cutler has not actually won anything, I'm sure he'll get there eventually. At this point, its not looking like it will be with the Broncos.

Looks like there have been a few college basketball games on in the last few days. Only a few. I actually was very lucky to attend the second half of Tuesday's games of the Big East Tournament at Madison Square Garden. I saw Notre Dame and Seton Hall win. Neither game was particularly close, but it was great to be there to see it live. Since I was raised a Seton Hall fan (even though no one in my family has ever gone there) it was nice to see them play and win. Unfortunately, that did not last very long as Syracuse knocked them out Wednesday. Regardless, I enjoyed the win. The Nova/Marquette game ended like I never would have predicted; closely. It was not even close for 3/4 of the game, and Marquette gave it the old college try (pun intended) but it was just two points and some defense too little. The rest of the week should be exciting too. Although, Pitt better pull this one out, because I want to see them go further. It makes for better games. And I'm all for Big East domination in the brackets, so a one-seed for them would be great.

I am thoroughly enjoying the Baylor/Kansas upset. Not a big Bill Self or Kansas fan in general, and plus I love upsets and Cinderella teams. Looking forward to tonight's games; Mizzou/TT and UConn/Syracuse. Thank goodness for DVR.

And of course. My favorite athelete ever; T.O. Is there a hint of sarcasm there? You decide.
T.O. has thrown yet another hissy fit like a preschooler for his own number. As Wilbon brilliantly stated on PTI, T.O. only knows the words "me," "my," "mine," and "I." It's just always about him. And the sad part is that the Bills gave into his immaturity like parents who just give in to their children to make them shut up. Learn discipline, Buffalo! Learn to discipline your new child. It's tough in the beginning, and he will be unhappy, but he has to learn that there are consequences. (For the record, I teach preschool students, and I have to tell myself the same things in dealing with them. I think this proves that Terrell Owens is actually a preschooler in an adult's body). Thank goodness Hardy gave up his number so quickly, otherwise we would have had fodder for weeks of T.O. bitching and whining "That's MY number" and the water works would begin yet again. Maybe suicide? You never know with this one.

I also believe the Mets would benefit from having Pedro Martinez back. If no one signs him in the next few days, I absolutely think they should go for it. If its one thing the Mets need improvement in, its the pitching department. Mainly bullpen additions, of course, but I think Pedro still has some useful juice left.

As far as Jonathan Papelbon's scathing Manny comments...I have this to say: I cannot listen to or trust anyone who dances like Jonathan Papelbon does. Seriously. I know you all have seen that dance. Anyone who either watches ESPN or goes on YouTube has seen that footage. I am not that quick to trust anyone who can make that big of a fool of themselves dancing.

And for my final rant. Will everyone please just calm down for a second about D-Wade's game-winner the other night? It was impressive. I can't take that away from him. But I'm not really sure it was the best play in NBA regular season history. Devin Harris' half-court shot against Philadelphia was a more impressive shot itself, I think, and he even almost had the ball slapped out of his hand as he was shooting. I understand Wade stole the ball and took it down the court, but I'm not sure that you could qualify it as the "best ever." Just my two pennies.

And as I am publishing this entry, Pitt loses to West Virginia, and I'm sure many disappointed fans will be unloading their tickets as we speak.

And now I'm off to sing my cover of the most famous Go Go's song, Big East style; We Got Thabeet. And you can all laugh at my awful attempt at a joke and I will go hide while you do so.