Friday, February 27, 2009

Sorry I've been away so long...

To the millions of readers that are waiting on pins and needles for updates to this blog,

You don't actually exist. And if you do, you're crazy.

Love, Jennifer

Anywho, seriously. I'm sorry I've been so absent. I've been stressing about my eminent free agency that started at 12:01am this morning, waiting and planning for my 7 year deal for $100 million. Oh no wait...that wasn't me? How silly I am.

But seriously. Papers don't write themselves and exams don't take themselves. Wouldn't that be nice? But that's where I've been. I'll manage my time better next time.

Wow, so much to talk about. Not sure where to begin. I guess I'll start with NFL Free Agency. Heard Tony Kornheiser complaining about Albert Haynesworth on PTI today. He has no clue what he's talking about. Yeah, his contract is huge, and I'm forced to hate him for the next seven seasons due to the fact he plays for an NFC East rival, but he was the top free agent. It didn't come out of nowhere. Whatever, I never listen to what Kornheiser says anywhere about anything. I think he's still in a funk cause he's coming to terms with the fact that he doesn't have Brett Favre's ass to kiss all the time during every broadcast from now on. Oh wait, he never knows what he's talking about. He's delirious. Never mind.

Gotta love the ESPN Free Agent tracker. J.J. Arrington to the Broncos; interesting. I'm glad the Giants resigned Carr, he's a great backup. And of course they could not lose Jacobs. Not surprised about Kerry Collins staying with the Titans. Bart Scott to the Jets? Surprise of a lifetime. Not. Fred Taylor to the Patriots; oh boy. That's going to be a force to be reckoned with. Gibril Wilson has had two consecutive amazing off-seasons. He was guaranteed $16 million from the Raiders, got cut (that's probably a blessing for him), and then got another guaranteed $8 million from the Dolphins. I would love to have his agent.

Michael Vick, when he comes back to the NFL (which I'm none too pleased about), will be a Raider. You heard it here first. I predict the future. Manny just being Manny? Or is this a whole new monster? (I hope the Mets sign him) I'm not even sure what "Manny being Manny" is anymore. It's come to mean so much craziness, quite frankly I'm tired of it like I'm tired of A-Rod and his shrunken...head? Oh no, wait. That grows when you do steroids. You know what I meant.

Allan Iverson is no longer in the starting lineup for the Pistons. I mean, he is kind of injured, but still. Seems so strange.

And to the Manny Ramirez of basketball (minus the talent), Stephon Marbury is a Celtic. Did anyone see the video of that guy who found Stephon at a bus stop in LA and decided to film his conversation with him? They even did a little improv comedy. Pretty funny. Maybe Stephon should stick to his day job...whatever that is now.

I am also quite excited about the NFL Draft. Can't wait to see where Matt Stafford goes. I know he's going to be a great quarterback. People don't realize it now. But again, like I said, I see the future.

I think I'll stop there. I could continue writing about how my bracket this year is going to be exponentially worse than it usually is as I have not been paying near enough attention to college basketball as I should be if I want to win some money this March. Mama needs a new pair of shoes and she's got bills to pay, so I should probably start catching up on that.

My phone is ringing. I hope its the Dodgers calling to offer me that $45 million deal...because I would gladly take it.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Well, I wish Blake Griffin had played more in the Texas-OU game tonight. Because judging by the way things have been between the two schools, OU is going to swear up and down that they are actually the better of the two and deserve more even though they lost, and I'm sure they'll use Griffin as their excuse. Not looking forward to hearing about it.

OU: Texas beat you. In basketball this time. Grow a pair and deal with it.

At least college basketball uses an actual, legit ranking system (take note, BCS).

And in other news, I am ridiculously excited (and surprised at my high excitement level) for the Kanye West VH1 Storytellers that premieres next Saturday. Should be great if he doesn't claim he's Jesus or Nelson Mandela or something (wouldn't put it past him). I guess I love him like girls love bad boys who abuse them. He is cocky and puts me down and claims he's the best I'll ever have, and I hate that about him, but I just can't bear to leave. So basically, I guess it'll end up on my DVR. And thanks for bearing with that non-sequitor.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Breaking news!

I have been blessed with a new, one-hour, radio show on Marymount Manhattan College's Griffin Radio! Thanks radio gods!

Apparently, I get to do anything I want. So, I'll be doing a wide variety of sports news, opinions, rants and raves, and of course, taking the public's calls and comments. Bring it on! Of course, I'll probably throw in some real current events news, just to be legit, but who needs that when you can bitch about T.O. for an hour? (Well, it won't be all T.O. bashing, but it will most definitely be addressed). I can also have guests! So, yeah. Should be a real adventure.

I will post more on the times and dates of the shows, and how to reach me and the air!

And if you're near a television, tune into the Lakers/Hornets game, it's exciting! And the CP3/Kobe match-up is captivating.

That's Amar'e...

Mr. Stoudemire is out for eight weeks...the rest of the season.

With a detached retina. Ouch. My grandma had one of those. It's not pleasant.

So what's in for the Suns? They were a definite playoff contender. Will they even get there now? And what awful timing with this year's trade deadline barely in the history books. Or maybe that was intentional. Apparently, the injury did happen before the trade deadline, as it's being reported on ESPN. It's awfully convenient to have this be "breaking news" when it happened well over 24 hours ago. Could there be something to that?

While Stoudamire is an incredibly driving force for the Suns, he is not their only scorer. I think they definitely have a shot to make it to the playoffs. Their talent pool is deep enough to give them enough scoring presence to put up a fight for a playoff spot. I believe Nash will definitely step up and score when he needs to, and he can always feed the ball out to others. No one is saying this is not a devastating loss for Phoenix, but don't count them out yet.

I guess there seems to be something unlucky in the air for players thought to have been traded this season. Tracy McGrady and his knee, Tyson Chandler not passing his physical, and now Amar'e Stoudamire. What's up with that?

In other news, I'm really impressed with Anquan Boldin. He apologized for his ridiculous sideline blow-up at Todd Haley and said he was willing to re-sign with the Cards. Personally, I would rather him be traded to the Giants next season for selfish reasons, but that's for another post. The Cards have a lot on their hands, having to re-sign Kurt Warner (which I highly advocate), franchising Karlos Dansby and dealing with J.J. Arrington who becomes an unrestricted free agent. But if the Cards can resign Boldin, they should for their sake. Q is a great reciever.

I think his repentance shows a form of class you don't see among many wide recievers in the NFL. It's somewhat refreshing. You'll never hear T.O. or Ocho Cinco apologize for anything. Hard to believe he is also represented by Drew Rosenhaus, given his client list. But I could also be naive right now. This could be a Rosenhaus ploy to get the most money for Boldin on whatever team possible. But for now, I would like to think that he truly means what he's saying. I guess we'll see what happens.

Over and out. Until another NBA player goes half blind.


Welcome to my first foray into sports journalism! 

And also the first supplemental addition to my graduate school application.

Why this blog, you ask?  The answer is simple. Male commentators in sports piss me off. Seriously. At any given time, in my apartment, you would be able to come in and find me yelling some obscenities at my most maligned sportscasters disagreeing with something silly they have said.

I feel many men in sports broadcasting feel like they have free reign and don't have informed opinions. They seem to believe their opinion is word.

News flash. It is not.

That means you, Tony Kornheiser.

Know-it-all male chauvinists just do not impress me. So, I'm here to add a new perspective to sports opinion and commentary. Hopefully, one day in the near future, you will see me with my own show on ESPN. But we all must start somewhere, right? Men are not the only ones capable of understanding and talking about sports, and I'm here doing my part to prove that. I hope to expose that sometimes the men who think they know it all are, to put it bluntly, idiots.

I'll be writing about many different sports, their teams and the players. I'll also have a lot to say about news and various developments daily. I stand behind all my opinions and commentary, and I welcome informed, persuasive arguments and comments of many kinds. I will defend anything and everything I say on here, and I will not run and hide like a five-year-old if I happen to be wrong about something I say. I'm not Skip Bayliss. 

So, with that, let the sports blogging begin! Happy reading!