Saturday, February 21, 2009

Well, I wish Blake Griffin had played more in the Texas-OU game tonight. Because judging by the way things have been between the two schools, OU is going to swear up and down that they are actually the better of the two and deserve more even though they lost, and I'm sure they'll use Griffin as their excuse. Not looking forward to hearing about it.

OU: Texas beat you. In basketball this time. Grow a pair and deal with it.

At least college basketball uses an actual, legit ranking system (take note, BCS).

And in other news, I am ridiculously excited (and surprised at my high excitement level) for the Kanye West VH1 Storytellers that premieres next Saturday. Should be great if he doesn't claim he's Jesus or Nelson Mandela or something (wouldn't put it past him). I guess I love him like girls love bad boys who abuse them. He is cocky and puts me down and claims he's the best I'll ever have, and I hate that about him, but I just can't bear to leave. So basically, I guess it'll end up on my DVR. And thanks for bearing with that non-sequitor.

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